
Chen, Heng (陈 衡) is a PhD student at Mosher lab of the University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. His current research focused on exploring the difference of synthesis and action of siRNAs associated with RNA-directed DNA Methylation (RdDM) pathway between inbreeders and outbreeders. His previous research experience mainly included: 1) transposon diversity and its impact on plants' adaptation to stress; 2) the molecular mechanisms of histone modifications dynamically regulating flowering time; 3) the quantitative traits (such as isoflavones, protein and oil) in soybean via using the QTL mapping, transcriptome analysis and meta-analysis. Additionally, Mr. Chen' s research interests also include bioinformatics (especially in single-cell and mutiple omics analysis) and RNA biology. He has a passion for sports as well, especially football (soccer) and basketball, who has been adoring FC Barcelona and Los Angeles Lakers for more than 17 years. Mr. Chen always proclaims himself a marxist, though he has read only a few chapters of Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung and Das Kapital.

Download my Curriculum Vitae.

  • Epigenetics
  • Quantitative Genetics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Abiotic Stress
  • RNA Structure Biology
  • Gene Editing
  • PhD in Plant Sciences, Present

    University of Arizona

  • MSc in Plant Genetics and Breeding

    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • BSc in Finance

    Nanchang University

  • BEng in Bioengineering

    Nanchang University


Data Analysis


Physiological Experiments


Molecular Experiments










Editorial Experiences

May 2024 – Present online

Reviewed papers for:

  • Theoretical and Applied Genetics
  • Frontiers in Plant Sciences
  • BMC Plant Biology
  • Scientific Reports
  • Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
  • Bio-protocol
Academic Editing Intern
May 2022 – Dec 2023 Beijing, China

Responsibilities include:

  • Collected, integrated and processed the submission
  • Integrated and reviewed the discussion
  • Wrote and edited academic content for Bio-101
Academic Editing Intern
Sep 2022 – Feb 2024 Nanjing, China

Responsibilities include:

  • Wrote news report to introduce the recently published article
  • Organized webinars

Selected Publications

(2023). Developmental Dynamic Transcriptome and Systematic Analysis Reveal the Major Genes Underlying Isoflavone Accumulation in Soybean. In Front. Plant Sci.

PDF Cite Dataset DOI

(2022). Nutritional and Health Benefits of Soybean to Human Immunity (Book Section). In Plants for Immunity.

PDF Cite

(2021). Novel QTL and Meta-QTL Mapping for Major Quality Traits in Soybean. In Front. Plant Sci.

PDF Cite Dataset DOI

(2021). Molecular Mechanisms of Isoflavone Biosynthesis and Regulation in Soybean: A Review (In Chinese with English abstract). In Soils & Crops.

PDF Cite DOI Link
